3 idiots. The finest movie of 2009. It sent out a very sensible social message which said, "Strive for Excellence, Success will follow". I immediately made note of it and realized that most of us always state "Success" as one of our goals little understanding that it is only our goal and not the path to reach the goal. In simpler words, the destination is "Success", but the road to be taken is "Excellence".
If you strive to be good at what you do, you needn't worry for being successful. When you are good at your work, success comes to you with open arms. But for that you need to do what you love doing. Most of us always run behind lucrative careers. We leave behind all our aspirations just to earn money and end up being in the wrong field. It strains us and leads to unhappiness.
After watching the movie, I decided; now I am not gonna let go the love of my life. I will pursue it no matter how much inconvenience it causes me. This actually changed me as an individual. Now it really doesn't matter to me if I don't be successful in my field of interest. I know I am good at it; and that's what matters most.
You may consider this as a comment followed by a comment :) I liked this post - its true and its honest.. Just a bit surprised after looking at your blog - I admire all the poets that you have mentioned. (William Blake with a special mention) however, the authors that you have recommended - really ? :)
No matter from where you draw inspiration..Be it a film or a person or an incident..The change will always be significant in life..As you said, one shud strive to give d best shot without worrying about the result..good one again here..:) keep blogging..:)
Arey we need bread and butter to survive and we should do something to earn it. Then comes excellence in what we wanna do and success.
@ Manan.. Thanks a lot.. And yeah.. All of them are poets whom I admire too.. And the authors too.. I basically like them for the lucidity of the language they use and the subjects they delve into.. Thats it..!! Why were you so surprised ?
@ vamsi.. Thanks again.. a lot.. :-)
@ Nethra.. Thanks for your comments.. But I think, to earn your basic bread & butter you don't need to be into a lucrative profession.. Take for instance, writers like us.. If I don't pursue an MBA and consider writing as a profession, I don't think I'll be deprived of my basic necessities.. And wud be happy too.. :-)
Yeah, that movie also did hit a chord in me. It told me I've been right all along... But don't you think Pooja that we tend to misdefine success? Does success mean just the fat paycheck? Can we not term the joy of creation as success?
@ NesQuarX.. True.. Good thought.. But "success" for the world is always attached to either "fame" or "money".. When I said "success", I was talking in terms of the world.. I am already successful in my own sense for myself 'coz now I'll do what I love to do without caring a damn about the world..
just trolling by from http://responsivereaction.blogspot.com/ :) - but thats something that struck me from the movie as well :) definite reinforcement for the principle of excellence!
@ J .. Yeah.. the movie was inspiring.. so reinforcement was needed.. :)
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